Five From the Finca
The importance of the Finca Vigia and Cuba in the life of Ernest Hemingway cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, due to the difficulties between the United States and the Cuban government, the connection between Hemingway and Cuba is not studied as in depth and as often as this portion of Hemingway’s life deserves.
This new column on the FHS website, Five From the Finca, will feature five short questions in order to open up another door of communication between the Finca and Hemingway scholars, aficionados, and fans. In this our first column the questions will be introductory in nature, and from there we will continue a conversation that we hope will be unending.
1). Could you please introduce yourself and give us a brief bio? How long have you been working at the Finca?
My name is Massiel Pita. I studied History in the University of Havana and I [have worked at the] Finca Vigia since September 3, 2018.
2). For those who have not been there, could you give us a description of the Finca Vigia?
The property is located on top of the hill in San Francisco de Paula town, near Havana City and has a territorial extension of 43,000m2. Into the property is the museum house, the garage, the bungalow and El Pilar yacht.
3). Can you explain a little bit about the importance of the Finca Vigia in Hemingway’s life?
La Vigia was important in Hemingway’s life because in this place the writer found peace and wrote books such as The Old Man and the Sea.
4). Which works did Hemingway write while at the Finca Vigia?
At the Finca Vigia he finished For Whom the Bell Tolls and he wrote Across the River and into the Trees, The Old Man and the Sea, A Moveable Feast and Islands in the Stream.
5). What are you most proud of having accomplished at the Finca so far this year?
The big accomplishment this year was the 17th International Colloquium “Ernest Hemingway.”
As we move forward, feel free to email in any questions you would like to know about the Finca and Hemingway’s life in Cuba.